Why is 5-axis popular modern machining processes, especially aerospace applications?
The five-axis machining is a kind of CNC machihings to efficient reduce setups and increase accuracy when processing multi-sided and complex parts. Within the simplest terms, 5-axis machining offers three linear axes (X, Y and Z) and two rotational axes (A and B) that give the cutting tool a multi-directional approach. Due to it can move parts or cutting tools along five different axes at an equivalent time, this allows be machined very complex parts and achieve high precision requirements.
It is generally believed that five-axis machining can handle multi-sided machining at the same time, which can save time and money for enterprises in the cost effective manufacturing of sophisticated design.
If you are searching for a trustworthy brand of Vertical Five Axes Machining Centers, look not further! VICTOR is all you need!

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